Monday, November 19, 2007

Dewan Diary - Day 1: Addendum

By Y.B. Wong Ho Leng, ADUN for Bukit Assek

The Speaker does not “speak”, in the sense that he would not take part in the debate. But this was not the first time that he spoke.

While telling PKR’s Dominique that Sarawak is the only state which allows debate in English, Bahasa Malaysia and other native languages, I stood to say that Chinese should also be allowed to be used. The Speaker asked me why I did not propose it in my speech earlier. I asked whether I could still propose it. His answer was not forthcoming.

It is good to have members who are ready to speak at any time’s notice. When Chong had his turn, he proposed that Chinese be also allowed to be used in the debate. He asked who would second his proposal. I did. He then asked the BN/SUPP members who would agree with his proposal. None moved. All must be feeling a chill inside them. That shows how serious the SUPP is in promoting Chinese. They talked so much, yet did not walk the talk. All are empty talks.

Soon Koh ought to have had a hard time answering my and Chong’s queries on the Supplementary Supply Bills. I asked why expenses incurred in 2005 could not be brought up for consideration in the 2006 Supplementary Supply Bill? Why a year later? There ought to have been mid-term and year-end reviews and what not? The question was fundamental but Soon Koh did not reply to the point. I warned that a floodgate would be opened. If today’s Bill could be passed, there would be nothing to stop future Bills, incorporating expenses incurred in 1990 or 1980, to be brought to the Dewan for rubber stamping. Of course, the BN had made the Dewan a rubber stamp and passed the Supplementary Supply (2005) Bill 2007.

Chong talked on matters concerning expenses in the Supplementary Supply (2007) Bill 2007. He asked the Government to be thrifty. If the PM can be driven around in Proton Perdana, why can’t the Ministers in Sarawak, he asked. Why need we have Mercedes benz cars, Rolls Royce and BMWs? I took the opportunity to borrow Chong’s floor to say that some Ministers had the Government cars for private Party uses, that these SUPP Ministers were chauffeured to go to their Party office to “hantam” own comrades. The Speaker was furious with I don’t know what, but I sensed that it was with the word “hantam”, so I withdrew it. Not too nice lah, the word. I would name the Ministers if I am permitted to, I told the Speaker. Of course, the Speaker won’t let me go into the issue. But did Soon Koh reply to Chong and my issues? No. Not at all. Had he replied and swayed from the truth, I would have shown the Dewan the photos which I personally took of his official car parked below the SUPP Sibu office when the meeting upstairs concerned not Government business but how to deal with Dudong Branch and the Signboard.

If Sarawak has a Finance Minister who cannot answer questions, yet the Supplementary Supply (2007) Bill 2007 is passed by sheer majority of the BN members, I think we have to rethink Sarawak’s destiny.

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